If you are sending your timer in for repair or you want to order a mechanical timer from our stock, please fill out the form below, or call our toll free number 1-888-248-4637.  All electronic clocks need to be sent in for repair. Look at the Electronic Clock Timer List to see if any other parts are needed to be sent in with your clock.

If you have any questions, need technical support, or if you want to see if we have a particular timer in stock, then you can contact us at 1-888-248-4637 or use our Information Request

    Fields indicated with a  *  Are Required

    Company Name:

    (Business Customers Only)

    Name: *

    Shipping Address: *

    Suite, Unit or Apartment #:

    City: *

    Province or State: *

    Country: *

    Postal Code or Zip Code: *

    Phone Number: *

    E-mail Address: *

    Type of Service: *

    Type of Timer: *

    Manufacturer or Brand: *

    Face Plate Colour: *

    Appliance Model Number: *

    Timer Part Number: *

    (The number printed right on the timer itself)


    Description of the Problem: *

    (Is the problem consistent or intermittent)


    Fault Code: *

    Is the Problem Consistent or Intermittent: *

    Additional Parts Sent: *

    If your Timer is Not Repairable: *

    Extended Warranty Requested: *

    How did you hear about Turner's Timer Repair?: *

    First Time or Repeat Customer: *

    Photos of Timer (if feasible)


    **Maximum 2mb per file